

noun fail·ing \ˈfā-liŋ\

: a weakness or problem in a person's character, behavior, or ability

Full Definition of FAILING

:  a usually slight or insignificant defect in character, conduct, or ability

First Known Use of FAILING


Synonym Discussion of FAILING

fault, failing, frailty, foible, vice mean an imperfection or weakness of character. fault implies a failure, not necessarily culpable, to reach some standard of perfection in disposition, action, or habit <a writer of many virtues and few faults>. failing suggests a minor shortcoming in character <being late is a failing of mine>. frailty implies a general or chronic proneness to yield to temptation <human frailties>. foible applies to a harmless or endearing weakness or idiosyncrasy <an eccentric's charming foibles>. vice can be a general term for any imperfection or weakness, but it often suggests violation of a moral code or the giving of offense to the moral sensibilities of others <compulsive gambling was his vice>.



: in the absence of (something)

Full Definition of FAILING

:  in absence or default of <failing specific instructions, use your own judgment>

First Known Use of FAILING

FAILING[1] Defined for Kids


noun fail·ing \ˈfā-ling\

Definition of FAILING for Kids

:  a weakness or flaw in a person's character, behavior, or ability


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